Bricks in the urban development are a project under the Ministry f Immigration, Integration and Housing, which in cooperation with the Odsherred Municipality is working to develop a handbook with practical tools and recommendations to equip the municipalities of Denmark to take advantage of the coherence of excess housing and nonfunctional buildings, and the integration of refugees in the local communities.
The Challenge
Denmark receives more refugees than ever before. In just two years the number of applicants for asylum has almost doubled from 7,557 in 2013 to nearly 15,000 in 2015. That puts a lot of pressure on municipalities who have the primary responsibility for housing and integration.
At the same time, the increasing urbanization, centralization and the reform of the municipalities in 2007 resulted in numeral municipalities faced with many excess and nonfunctional buildings. Analyses show that there are now approximately 100 million m2 empty buildings, where most of these excess square meters are found in the country’s less populated areas.
In Bricks in the urban development GivRum is investigating potential synergies at the intersection of these two major challenges. With the support of the Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing, and in close cooperation with the Municipality of Odsherred we find new ways of how refugees can engage in constructive communities and thereby become a resource for the local development and the local coherence.
The Solution
The project will develop a set of recommendations for how suitable housing can be located, how these new residents can be prepared, and how the residents can be converted into a home for the refugees in synergy with the local community. By starting with, respectively, the community’s physical, social and cultural resources and the refugees personal needs and skills we are working to develop a one-to-one matchmaking strategy where the refugees will be incorporated in a local development. We do this on the basis of three cases:
The project will result in a handbook aimed at the country’s municipalities, consisting of a set of concrete tools and recommendations for their practical work with local development and housing of refugees.
The result of the project is a handbook for the Danish municipalities, which forms the basis for a comprehensive effort of the housing of refugees in empty buildings.
The project will be developed in close co-operation with the municipality of Odsherred.
In addition to GivRum the partners of the project group are:
Emergency Architecture and Human Rights – Nina Louise Jensen, Jorge Lobos and Michele di Marco.
Perifærd – Anthropologist Michael Ulfstjerne
OBond – consultant of volunteering Tore Qvist
Consultant and anthropologist Zachary Whyte
The result of the project is a handbook for the Danish municipalities, which forms the basis for a comprehensive effort of the housing of refugees in empty buildings.
The project will be developed in close co-operation with the municipality of Odsherred.
In addition to GivRum the partners of the project group are:
Emergency Architecture and Human Rights – Nina Louise Jensen, Jorge Lobos and Michele di Marco.
Perifærd – Anthropologist Michael Ulfstjerne
OBond – consultant of volunteering Tore Qvist
Consultant and anthropologist Zachary Whyte